October 2, 2009: Introduction to Financial Management in Community
Organizations (full-day)
Do you find it difficult to put together a budget for a proposal? Do you
ask yourself ‘What am I looking at?’ when someone gives you financial
support? Are you responsible for managing the finances for a project, but
not sure what that means?
If so, join us in this workshop to learn:
• How to put together a budget for an organization or project
• Methods to deal with overhead costs
• How to read financial statements
• How to monitor a budget
DATE: Friday, October 2, 2009 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
COST: $140 + GST; Each additional participant from the same organization
will receive a $15 discount, as will those who register for more than one
workshop. Student rate available. Refreshments, coffee & tea served,
but lunch not provided.
TO REGISTER: [ http://sec.oise.utoronto.ca/english/workshops.php
]http://sec.oise.utoronto.ca/english/workshops.php or contact Lisa White
at [ mailto:secworkshops@oise.utoronto.ca ][
mailto:secworkshops@oise.utoronto.ca ]secworkshops@oise.utoronto.ca ,
LOCATION: Social Economy Centre of the University of Toronto, 252 Bloor
St. W. (5th floor), Toronto, ON M5S 1V6, (St. George Subway Station)
September Speakers' Panel
When: Wednesday, September 24, 2009, noon – 1:30 pm
Where: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto,
252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Room 12-199
Joe Cressy… is the Campaigns Coordinator for the Polaris Institute. He
will discuss the issue of bottled water and the need for public water
infrastructure, both in Canada and internationally.
Nancy Goucher... is the Program Coordinator for the Forum for Leadership
on Water (FLOW). She will discuss efforts to protect our critical fresh
water resources, emphasizing the necessity of having all levels of
government work together as part of a Canada-wide strategy to effectively
address current and emerging threats to fresh water security.
Mark Cazavara… is the regional organizer (Ontario/Quebec) for The Council
of Canadians, and he will talk about dumpsite 41 in Toronto as it relates
to water source protection, scarcity and the human right to clean water.
Bring your lunch and a mug – coffee, tea and water will be provided.
For more information, contact Lisa White at [
mailto:secspeaker@oise.utoronto.ca ][ mailto:secspeaker@oise.utoronto.ca
]secspeaker@oise.utoronto.ca, or visit our website at [
http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca ]http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca
This event will also be webcast live on the Internet. Please see our
website for detailed instructions.